Dear Members:

Please take note that the 9th Annual General Meeting of the Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa will take place on Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 7 p.m. Our first virtual members meeting, the AGM will be conducted online through the Zoom platform.  

How do I participate?

To attend the virtual AGM, take these two steps:

Step 1 - Register

Only members may vote at the annual meeting. Registering your intention to attend the meeting will allow us to count your votes throughout the meeting. Please register early to help us know how many attendees to expect. It only takes a few moments. Click on this link to register:


After you register, we will send you a link to click to join the meeting.  

Step 2 - Join the Meeting

Between 6:45 p.m. and 7 p.m. on September 3, click the “join the meeting” link we send you when you register. A moderator will welcome you and start the meeting at 7 p.m. sharp.

What happens after I register?

Once you have registered, you will receive the materials for the meeting, including a report from the President, the three resolutions members will vote on during the AGM, the 2019 audited financial statements and some practical tips to help you participate successfully in the meeting.

What is on the agenda for this meeting?

You will find the agenda at the end of this notice.

What resolutions will I be asked to vote on?

This year the Board of Directors is bringing three resolutions for your consideration:

  1. The first resolution will amend our by-laws to allow meetings to be conducted electronically, something our present by-laws do not address.
  1. The second resolution will resolve a conflict between our by-laws and our Articles of Incorporation respecting FCO’s membership fee.  
  1. The third resolution will amend our bylaws to remove the current limit on the number of terms a person may serve on the Board of Directors. Currently, Board members may only sit for three terms of three years each.

To pass, all three resolutions will require the approval of two-thirds of the members present and voting. 



Elections for the Board of Directors will be held at the meeting. A Call for Nominations went out to members on May 29. We are pleased to confirm that four directors whose terms will end on September 3 have agreed to stand for re-election and that two other excellent candidates have come forward to fill two board vacancies.

What if I have problems either registering or logging into the meeting? 

Virtual meetings are new for many of us, and problems getting and staying connected are expected. A technical person will be on hand before and throughout the meeting to answer your questions and help you solve any problems that crop up.



  1. Call to Order
  2. Notice of Meeting
  3. Determination of Quorum
  4. Motion to Enable Virtual Annual Meetings
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Approval of Minutes of 2019 Annual General Meeting
  7. Matters Arising from the Minutes
  8. President’s Report
  9. Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
  10. By-law Amendment to Remove Director Term Limits
  11. Treasurer’s Report
  12. Auditor’s Report
  13. Receipt of 2019 Audited Financial Statements
  14. Appointment of Auditor
  15. Report of Business Development and Membership Services Committee
  16. Report of Governance Committee
  17. Election of Board of Directors
  18. Motion to Approve Decisions Made by the Board
  19. Other Business
  20. Close of Meeting


We look forward to seeing you online at the Annual General Meeting.

Mise à jour Covid-19 - Coopérative funéraire des Eaux vives